Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Big fat fatty fat road trip update #1-The Beginning

Well we are safely here in Flagstaff AZ. We left Asheville the morning of December 27th at 8:00am and arrived here in Flag at about 2:00pm (4 pm eastern time) on the 28th. I have learned a lot already and here are some of the things I learned after driving 2150 miles on I-40.

1. Driving across Tennessee is freaking long.
2. Arkansas looks like Alabama
3. Oklahoma doesn't look like it has much going for it...at least when viewed from I-40.
4. Texas smells like cow shit.
5. New Mexico is pretty cool lookin'.
6. Flagstaff is at the base of an active volcano in the middle of the desert and covered with snow.

We had some fun times on the long ass drive so that was cool. I was able to locate a new hat at a truckstop in Arkansas....still working it into a useable hat though. We immediately went to Gordon's house where we offloaded Britney (my dirt bike) and my guitar and some camera gear and came to the brewery where Gordon brews beer and began drinking. Road weary and buzzed I found it no problem getting to sleep as we had only taken about an hour long power nap on the drive here. So far I have met lots of cool people and expect to be meeting many more. Well thats about it for now. Here are a couple of cell phone images for ya and once I learn how to edit video I will post a video from the drive out.

